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USEPA Releases Optimal Corrosion Control Evaluation Technical Recommendations

Submitted by scalera on

On Thursday, March 30, 2016, USEPA released the Optimal Corrosion Control Evaluation Technical Recommendations for States and Public Water Systems. This guide is intended to be used both by primacy and by systems to clarify corrosion control treatment (CCT) requirements and provide information on best practices to enhance compliance with the Lead & Copper Rule (LCR).

The Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water provided the following statement:

There is no higher priority for EPA than protecting public health and ensuring the safety of our nation’s drinking water. Recent events in Flint, Michigan and other U.S. cities have led to important discussions about the safety of our nation’s drinking water supplies and have raised questions about implementation of the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), which covers over 68,000 public water systems.


EPA released the “Optimal Corrosion Control Evaluation Technical Recommendations for States and Public Water Systems”. The document provides technical support to public water systems and primacy agencies regarding how they can leverage the technical recommendations to strengthen compliance with CCT requirements under the LCR and to enhance effectiveness in evaluating and designating optimal conditions for CCT.


The document addresses the technical complexities of evaluating and optimizing CCT, including establishment of optimal water quality parameters in a manner that maximizes the level of public health protection. It also builds upon previous EPA guidance by including new research findings and experience with rule implementation. Specific technical areas covered by the document include:

·         How systems can select the most effective CCT technology, including available options, recommended selection approach and best practices for setting dosage and water quality targets.

·         CCT installation steps required under the LCR for systems serving ≤50,000 people or >50,000 people.

·         OCCT monitoring requirements under the LCR and recommendations for:

o    Start-up and follow-up monitoring

o    Evaluation of CCT and subsequent setting optimal water quality parameters and

o    Long-term corrosion control monitoring.

·         How source water and treatment changes can impact lead and copper corrosion, including changes to CCT (e.g., disinfection, coagulation, water softening, filtration, operational changes).


The technical recommendations provided in the document are essential to the protection of public health in the near and long term and to restoring public confidence. In addition, EPA is planning rollout webinars scheduled for April 14, 2016 and April 19, 2016. Other training events include a 3 part 101 LCR Webinar series scheduled for summer 2016 and a Lead and Copper Tap Sampling Requirements webinar July 26, 2016. In addition, EPA will be presenting this document to the primacy agency at the March ASDWA meeting. EPA is also seeking opportunities to conduct face-to-face training regarding this document.  New York Rural Water will offer to host training events to ensure our certified operators have an opportunity to learn more about this.  In the meantime, you can go to the USEPA website at 


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