On March 20, 2014, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a guidance document to assist drinking water and wastewater utilities implement the “Buy American” provisions of the fiscal year 2014 appropriations bill for the Clean Water (CWSRF) and Drinking Water (DWSRF) State Revolving Funds.
Underground in places nobody likes to look, bacteria are doing terrible things to our sewage pipes. The concrete pipes that carry our waste are literally dissolving away, forcing engineers into a messy, expensive battle against tiny microbes.
The new plates are designed to make it easier to recognize emergency response vehicles during storms or other emergency situations. According to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, the vehicle must either be owned or controlled and registered in the name of the agency or locality in order to be eligible for the new plate.
The plates have a white background with a red banner and have the letters “EM” on them for Emergency Management.
On April 3, EPA released a guide for water utilities on sustainable and effective practices. Developed with extensive input from utility leaders and states, this document will help water sector utilities of all sizes adopt proven and sustainable practices over time to better serve communities across the nation. The practices in the document are organized around a series of attributes of effectively managed utilities endorsed by EPA and leading water professional associations.
The New York State Tap Water Taste Contest (TWTC) is an excellent way to promote awareness of the value of water to the public, your customers. Below is a link to a tentative schedule for the Local TWTC.
If you wish to participate and have questions on bringing your samples, please refer to the contact person in your area.
The Home Depot Hosts Water Conservation Workshops Nationwide. On Saturday, April 26, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m, The Home Depot will host free Water Conservation Workshops at all of its 1,977 U.S. stores. This is a nationwide effort to educate and empower residents across the country to improve water efficiency inside and outside the home. The announcement of the workshops is one of several measures the company is taking to assist homeowners where many face water restrictions due to current dry conditions.
The federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will conduct a nationwide prescription drug collection on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 10:00 AM – 2:00
USDA Rural Development Celebrates Earth Day by Supporting Water Quality Projects in 40 States and Puerto Rico
2014 Farm Bill Enables Record USDA Investments in Rural Water Systems
WASHINGTON, April 22, 2014 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today celebrated Earth Day by announcing record support for 116 projects that will improve water and wastewater services for rural Americans and benefit the environment.