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May 2014

Another Story on the Sad State of our Aging Infrastructure

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More than two dozen people are displaced after fire destroyed their apartment house in Schenectady.
Firefighters say a broken hydrant hampered their efforts to fight the flames.
The building is scheduled to be demolished — nothing can be salvaged, according to city officials.
However, it’s not because of the hydrant problem. Fire officials say the building was already too far gone when they got here.
The three story apartment house on Eagle Street in Schenectady went up in flames just before 1 a.m. Wednesday morning.

Gov. Cuomo Launches 4th Round of Regional Economic Development Council

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today launched Round IV of the Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) initiative, officially kicking off the 2014 competition for up to $750 million in state economic development resources. The Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) will open to applicants on May 1, enabling businesses, municipalities, not-for-profits and the public to begin applying for assistance from dozens of state funding programs, through a single application, for job-creating and community development projects.

Handbook on Wastewater Management for Local Representatives

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This is a free publication intended for mayors, town supervisors, administrators, clerks, treasurers,and sewer board members. 

The Handbook on Wastewater Management for Local Representatives is a 148 page reference which includes valuable information on administration, management, and financial planning. The handbook helps elected officials better understand wastewater infrastructure issues.

The sewers and wastewater treatment plants represent a huge capital asset.

Calculation Tools for Water and Wastewater Operation Specialists

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Mathematical calculations can be one of the most challenging, but also most important, tasks performed by a water or wastewater operator. With Internet-enabled computers available in an increasing number of facilities, operators can lean on calculation tools to double-check their math. 

A few years ago the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection developed an Operator Information Center that included a variety of web-based calculation tools. While portions of the website are outdated, these tools still do the job:

Let’s Be Clear – Fire Chief Project: A Must Read for all Operation Specialists

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> This is an article found in the second quarter 2014 National > Rural Water Associations Magazine. Here is the link for the > article:
> > This project is trying to change the way Operation Specialists are viewed. Please read the whole article and then help it become a reality by contributing anything you can to help the cause.

Independent Budget Office: It’s Debt, Not Rent Payments

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Independent Budget Office: It’s debt, not rent payments, that drives water and sewer
(An interesting article from NYC)
It’s not the rent payments the city charges for use of the water system that’s driving water rates but rather the cost of paying off huge capital projects, the Independent Budget Office said in a report Monday.
While it has been the scapegoat of many a press conference on skyrocketing water rates, the rental payment takes a back seat, the report found.

Study Explores Link Between Cows and Water Quality

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Study explores link between cows’ water quality, milk production
A study to determine what effect quality of dairy herd water has on milk production is being conducted at 100 dairy farms across a six-county region by educators from Cornell Cooperative Extension. Twenty farms each will be surveyed in Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties, and the remainder will be in Franklin, Clinton and Essex counties.

EPA Hosting Webcast Series to Raise Awareness about Harmful Algal Blooms

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On May 29, 2014, EPA will host a webcast on public engagement opportunities to address harmful algal blooms entitled, “The Role of Citizen Scientists in Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Response”.  This webcast is the beginning of a series with a discussion of involvement with volunteer monitoring initiatives, and how people can get involved in a project to monitor for potentially toxic algal species and collect meaningful data from their local, state, or federal agency.

War on Fog

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Follow along as we examine solutions to the challenge of fats, oils and grease in the country’s sewer lines and treatment plant works

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