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October 2013

2013 NRWA H2O-XPO to be held September 30th to October 3rd

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Join the staff of NYRWA as we attend the 2013 NRWA H2O-XPO in Louisville, KY. Also in attendance will be the winner of the annual “Meredith H. Thompson Training Award”, Jeff Swartz, Village of Canajoharie. XPO offers over 30 acres of heavy equipment displays and demonstrations, over 100 hours of education and training, over 1,000 indoor exhibits, and over 20,000 attendees from utilities across the nation.

National Take Back Day

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Are you aware that on October 26, 2013, all citizens can drop off their unused or expired medications to specific sites to help keep our environment safe.  We strongly encourage you not to flush old medication and take advantage of this national program.  Through the efforts of the United States Department of Justice/Drug Enforcement Administration/Office of Diversion Control – you can go to the following website and type in your zip code to find local facilities that will be participating in this national event to take back your unused or expired medication and save our environme

The Water Cycle

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The Cycle


Water is constantly being cycled between the atmosphere, the ocean and land. This cycling is a very important process that helps sustain life on Earth. 

Summary of the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act and Frequently Asked Questions

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EPA has posted on its Web site a revised list of frequently-asked-questions to assist manufactures, retailers, regulators and the general public in complying with and understanding the requirements of the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. The FAQs address the definition of lead free, the effective date, calculating lead content, 3rdparty certification, product labeling, repair and replacement parts, and exemptions.

SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY AT PA WATER FACILITY–as reported Friday afternoon, October 25, 2013

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(U//FOUO) Earlier this week, three males of Middle Eastern decent arrived at a Pennsylvania gated community and tried to gain access by stating they needed to perform maintenance on the cellular phone equipment on the water tower. Community security turned them away when they could not produce any identification to prove that they worked for a telephone service provider.

New York Rural Water Association Position on Ballot Proposition # 3

Submitted by networx on

Exclusion of Indebtedness Contracted for Sewage Facilities

Ballot propositions are too often overlooked by voters on Election Day. We urge voters to pay close attention to this proposition, and to vote yes on its adoption.

This measure would extend a provision of law which has been in effect since 1962, and renewed every ten years since, to exclude indebtedness for sewage facilities from their constitutional debt limits.

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