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July 2013

NY Warn

Submitted by networx on

NY WARN provides its member utilities with emergency planning, response and recovery beforeduring or afteran emergency.

EPA’s New NDPES Electronic Reporting Regulation

Submitted by networx on

EPA’s new NDPES Electronic Reporting Regulation was approved by the White House Office (OMB) on July 1, 2013, clearing the way for EPA to officially propose it sometime this month.  The final rule is expected in June 2014.  The rule will require information from NPDES permits be submitted electronically in order to ensure that the agency has easy access to timely and accurate facility-specific information.  Start the conversation with your elected offi


Submitted by networx on
There have been reports of issues accessing the updated Overflow Report Form. The issue appears to involve ADOBE 11, web browsers other than Internet Explorer, and mobile phone access to the form. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation is working on the problems, but in the meantime, here are some ideas to avoid those problems should you need to report an overflow before they are corrected.
1. Don’t download ADOBE 11. Continue using ADOBE 10 until the problem is fixed.

Letter Campaign

Submitted by networx on

Just a reminder to those that wish to send a letter and those that may wish to consider, we would like to repeat this message, please read on. 

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