How Wildfires Contaminate Drinking Water Sources
How Wildfires Contaminate Drinking Water Sources
How Wildfires Contaminate Drinking Water Sources
Report on Water Workforce Provides New Data on Challenges, Opportunities
Dan Murtaugh, Bloomberg
Like much of the world, Patrick Decker has been engrossed in the saga of 12 boys and their soccer coach who became trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand. Unlike most, Decker is in a position to do something about it.
Friday, July 27 is the deadline to apply for funding to purchase conservation easements or parcels of land to protect one or more active public surface water drinking water supplies or one or more active public groundwater drinking water wells. This funding is through the Water Quality Improvement Project (WQIP) program, a competitive, statewide reimbursement grant program open to local governments and not-for-profit corporations. For source water protection land acquisition, this grant progra