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August 2013

Basic Operations Course Starting Soon

Submitted by networx on

Monroe County in partnership with Monroe 1 BOCES will be presenting a NYS DEC approved 60 hour Basic Operations course one day a week from September 11 through December 11, 2013 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at their Training Center on 1574 Lake Shore Blvd, Rochester, NY 14617. 
(This course satisfies the Basic Operations requirement for 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A Operator Certification)

Gas Drilling

Submitted by networx on

Each year the Green Panel, consisting of more than a dozen environmental groups, identify bills of special significance known as “super bills”.  This year the  Environmental Conservation Committee listed the “Fracking Moratorium and Health Impacts Assessment” as a super bill.

The bill would enact a moratorium on certain types of natural gas drilling until May 15, 2015, and require the completion of a comprehensive health impact assessment.  This legislation (A.5424-A Sweeney) passed the Assembly, but the Senate has not yet taken action.


Submitted by networx on

To help ensure your DMR reaches the Bureau of Water Compliance in Albany, be sure to include the Zip+4. The 4 digits after the 12233 zip code helps identify the office the DMR package goes to. There will be less of a chance of the package getting “lost”. Send the DMR’s to:

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