Sewage Pollution Right to Know Comment Period Extended
Notice of the Public Comment Period for the Regulations Associated with the Sewage Pollution Right to Know Act Extension to August 3, 2015
Notice of the Public Comment Period for the Regulations Associated with the Sewage Pollution Right to Know Act Extension to August 3, 2015
After 39.98 years of dedicated service to the Mohawk Valley Water Authority, Connie Schreppel has decided to retire. Connie has overseen numerous improvements and upgrades in her career and will be leaving a legacy that will be hard to match. Connie has been a friend to Rural Water, assisting numerous staff members with input and direction while sitting on various operational committees. Connie also was a founding member and Co-Chair of the NYWARN (New York Water & Wastewater Agency Response Network). Her input and guidance have helped promote the startup and gro
After 40 years, Greg Timmons is retiring from the Town of Peru on Friday, July 31, 2015. Greg has always been a big supporter of the New York Rural Water Association and has attended our annual Technical Conference for many years. The Town of Peru recently won Wastewater System of the Year for 2015 and Greg, his staff, and Board were present to accept the award. Greg’s presence at our conference will be missed, but all of us at the New York Rural Water Association wish him the best in his future endeavors.
The NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) and the NYS Department of Health (DOH) are pleased to announce a webinar on Thursday, July 16th at 10 AM to discuss $50 million in available grant funding to local governments this year for critical drinking water and wastewater infrastructure projects through Governor Cuomo’s NYS Water Grants Program.
Go to this Website to give your kids a chance to not only see the Water Cycle, but to stop at each place along the way to get a full explanation of how each step works. Its a great educational tool that they can have fun using.
DEC Issues Findings Statement Concluding Extensive Seven-Year Review
The state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today officially prohibited high-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) in New York State by issuing its formal Findings Statement, completing the state’s seven-year review of this activity.