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February 2016

Governor Cuomo on Entergy at Indian Point Nuclear Facility

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“Today, Entergy reported that the level of radioactive tritium-contaminated water that leaked into groundwater at the Indian Point Nuclear facility last week has increased by 80 percent since the initial report. Last week the company reported alarming levels of radioactivity at three monitoring wells, with one well’s radioactivity increasing nearly 65,000 percent. 

Water Fluoridation Grant

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February 29 is Deadline for Water Fluoridation Grant Applications

The deadline for the New York State Department of Health grants for the Drinking Water Fluoridation Fund is Monday, February 29.  This fund is designed to assist public water systems in maintaining and expanding community water fluoridation.  Details can be found at: Grants Gateway ID: DOH01-DWFC1-2015/ID: DOH01- DWFC2-2015.

Training Opportunity through HydraStop

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Hydra-stop invites you to join them for a free education webinar – titled - Distribution Maintenance & Repair Techniques to Avoid System Shutdown, on March 8, 2016, at 2 pm Eastern Time.

Presenter:  Steve Roehrig, Director of Sales and Marketing for Hydra-Stop

Line tapping, line stopping, and valve insertion techniques reduce risks and provide a more productive method of maintaining and repairing distribution systems without complete system shutdown.

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