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Classroom Training

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New York Rural Water Association (NYRWA) holds a variety of training sessions for water, wastewater professionals throughout New York State. This training, which is open to system operators, managers, and elected officials, allows utility professionals to upgrade their skills, improve the quality of their utility's service, and protect their users' health.

The NYRWA EPA Program provides training to small community water operation specialist and is also available to non-transient/non community water system personnel.

Please refer to the updated training schedule below. If you would like an agenda or register for a particular training session, please click on the appropriate link for that session below. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine to open and print the training session announcements. If you do not have this program, you may download it for free here. Register as soon as possible for training sessions by registering by fax (518-828-0582) or mail your registration to (P.O. Box 487, Claverack, NY 12513). Attendance is limited and only fully completed registrations are guaranteed.

If you have an idea for a topic, or would like to help organize training sessions, please contact NYRWA regarding water and/or wastewater training.

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