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January 2022

US tribes see hope for clean water in infrastructure bill

Submitted by ckearns on

The massive infrastructure bill signed earlier this year promises to bring change to Native American tribes that lack clean water or indoor plumbing through the largest single infusion of money into Indian Country

By GILLIAN FLACCUS, FELICIA FONSECA and BECKY BOHRER - Associated Press Dec 23, 2021 Updated Dec 23, 2021

Congratulations of your Retirement, Ernie Prievo!

Submitted by ckearns on

The New York Rural Water Association Board and Staff would like to congratulate Ernie Prievo, Water Superintendent for the Village of Carthage and Chief Operator of the Carthage/West Carthage Joint Water Filtration Plant on his retirement after 26 years of service. Thank you for your dedication and enjoy your well deserved retirement. 

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