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Tool Donated by Pete Andrews to NYRWA

Submitted by networx on

Pete's tool

This photo is of a tool donated to Rich Winters (New York Rural Water Association’s Circuit Rider) by Pete Andrews Water Operation’s Specialist. This tool is used for both pulling curb stop pipes up if needed or to straighten them out if they are bent. You simply attach the 1” COUPLING to the existing pipe and use the 1” and 1/4” pipe that has been slid over the 1” pipe as a slide hammer to pull the old pipe up to the desired level. By removing the coupling off the bottom of the tool you can slide the 1” and 1/4” pipe over the bent pipe and bend it back to the desired position. Below are the dimensions of the parts needed to build your own curb stop tool:

2- 6” one inch nipples
1- 1” Tee
1- 3′ piece of 1” pipe threaded on each end
1- 1” coupling
1-2′ length of 1&1/4” pipe

After using this tool I would suggest adding another 6” nipple and 1” coupling to be installed at the bottom of the 1” Tee which will prevent you from pinching your hand while using the slide hammer pipe. Good luck with this and hope you will share your inventions with all of us to take advantage of as well.


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