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Energy Efficiency Assessment

Submitted by ckearns on

In early February, while undertaking an Energy Efficiency Assessment for the Village of North Collins I discovered an energy program sponsored by Erie County, with substantially lower energy costs (approximately $0.02 - $0.03 kw/h). 

On February 27th, Leah Harnish, Legislative Liaison Community News distributed the following up-date:

“Under Erie County's Executive Order 17, the county initiated a study of how it could reduce energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions to meet the targets of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, The county released its findings in the “Erie Commits to Paris” report. Compared to the baseline year of 2005, Erie County as a government had achieved the Paris Climate Agreement goals of reducing emissions by 26-28% as of 2014. Congratulations Erie County!!!
Is your community working toward the Paris goals? ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, a global network of more than 1,500 cities, towns and regions, offers guidance for local governments on localizing the Paris Agreement.”

I believe New York Rural Water Association’s Wastewater and Water Energy Efficiency Assessment program can play an integral part to Erie County’s goal!  If you are a municipal water or wastewater system in Erie County, we may be able recommend energy savings to your processes (at no charge).

Even if your county does not currently offer a similar program.  New York Rural Water Association’s Wastewater and Water Energy Efficiency Assessment program can play an integral part in your quest for energy efficiency and conservation, AT NO CHARGE!  To schedule an on-site assessment, call Kevin Maine at (518) 828-3155 ex.140 or email to .



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