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EFC's New Integrated Solutions Construction Grant

Submitted by scalera on

EFC’s New Integrated Solutions Construction Grant - Funding to green up your CWSRF project


The Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) will host a webinar on Wednesday, August 17th starting at 10:00 am. The webinar will present an overview of the Integrated Solutions Construction (ISC) Grant and will provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions.

The ISC Grant program incentivizes a multi-faceted approach to water quality challenges caused by stormwater. EFC will offer up to $8 million in grant through the ISC for projects that incorporate eligible green infrastructure into Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) projects. Successful applicants will be provided grant funding up to 50% of the cost to construct projects that remove stormwater from combined, sanitary, or storm sewers. The proposed project should demonstrate the value of integrating green practices into traditional gray infrastructure projects to provide water quality benefits, as well as the advantages of natural systems. Priority will be given to projects that maximize the removal of stormwater from sewers through the use of integrated infrastructure.

Registration information for this webinar can be found here

If you need additional information or have questions on financing through the CWSRF program, please call Mr. Dwight Brown, SRF Program Services Coordinator, at (518) 402-7396. 


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