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Conference is Quickly Approaching – Register Today!!

Submitted by networx on

NYRWA 35th Annual Technical Conference April 14-17, 2014 Turning Stone Resort/Conference Center, Verona, NY

We are excited about our upcoming Conference and hope you are as well.  Get your registrations in for this event that will provide you the opportunity to receive your contact hours, listen to excellent speakers providing the latest information, shop with our vendors, see the latest technology, network with your peers, celebrate with our award winners, and win cash and prizes.  It’s not too late to register and here is a list of all the vendors you can spend quality time with and shop for services, supplies, etc. all under one roof, one trip.  It’s not too late to register!!

64seconds   — AES Northeast  —     AFTEK, Inc.  —     Akzo Nobel International Pain Devoe Coatings  —  Badger Meter, Inc.  —     Baker Water Systems   —  Barton & Loguidice, PC   —    BDP   —  Bernier, Carr & Associates   —    Blair Supply Corp.   —  Burgh Schoenenberger   —  Clean Waters, Inc.   —  Clow Valve Company   —   Conrady Consultant Services   —  Coyne Chemical   —  Cyclops Process Equipment   —  DN Tanks   —  Dukes Root Control, Inc   —  Dutchland, Inc.   —  DynaTech Control Solutions, Inc.   —  Eastcon Associates, Inc.   —  Eastern Glass Lined Tanks, LLC   —  EMA of New York   —  Endyne   —  Erdman Anthony   —  ESC Environmental Inc.   —  Everett J. Prescott Inc.   —  Ferguson Waterworks   —  Fluid Conservation Systems   —  Fluid Kinetics, Inc.   —  Ford Meter Box Company, Inc.   —  G.A. Fleet Associates   —  G.P. Jager & Associates Inc.  —  G.P. Jager / Lonza   —  G.P. Jager / Nelson  Environmental   —  G.P. Jager / Vaughan   —  G.P. Jager / WILO USA   —  Gartner Equipment Co., Inc.   —  Goulds Water Technology, a brand of Xylem   —  Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.   —  Hach Company   —  Hanson Van Vleet, LLC   —  HD Supply Waterworks, LLC   —  Holland Company   —  Hose Solutions Inc.   —  Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, PC   —  J.L. Moore, Inc.   —  Kennedy/M&H  Valve Co.   —  Kimbernick Sales Inc   — KIT Zeller Corporation/ Kaman Industrial Technologies   —  Koester Associates, Inc.   —  Koester Associates, Inc. Valve Division   —  Koester Associates, Inc.-Smith & Loveless   —  LaBella Associates, D.P.C.   —  Lamont Engineers   —  Layne Christensen  Company   —  Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc.   —  Lock City Supply, Inc.   — Maryland Biochemical Company, Inc.   —  Master Meter, Inc.   —  Medora-SolarBee/Harmsco   —  Micromod Automation & Controls   —  Mid Atlantic Storage Systems Inc.   —  Mobile Dredging and Pumping Co.   —  Moody and Associates, Inc.   —  MRB Group Engineering, Architecture, Surveying, PC   —  MTEK, Inc./Bio-Systems Inc.   —  Mueller Company   —  N.E. Controls, LLC   —  National Wash Authority   —  New York Leak Detection   —  Newburgh Winwater Works Co.   —  NYWARN   —  PCS Pump and Process   —  Pertech   —  Pioneer Pump Systems Inc.   —  Poly Processing/Dakota Pumps   —  Pow-R Mole Sales & Services   —  Preload, Inc.   —  R. M. Headlee Co., Inc   —  Rapid Pump and Meter Service Co., Inc.   —  Red Flint Sand & Gravel LLC   —  SAR Sales   —  Schnabel Engineering   —  Seaway Diving & Salvage Co., Inc.   —  Sensus Metering    —  Shrier – Martin Process Equipment Inc.   —  Siewert Equipment Co., Inc.   —  Sigelock Systems LLC   —  Slack Chemical Co.   —  Smith-Blair, INC.  —  Songer Contracting   —  SpectraShield Liner Systems   —  Statewide Aquastore Inc.   —  Subsurface Technologies, Inc.   —  Surpass Chemical Company Inc.   —  The Vellano Corp.   —  Ti-SALES, Inc.   —  Total Control System Services, Inc.   —  Total Piping Solutions, Inc.   —  Troup Environmental Alternatives   —  Trumpler-Clancy /   —  USABlueBook   —  Utilitronics Corp.   —  Utility Service Co., Inc.   —  Vari-Tech LLC   —  Water Membranes Systems   —  Water Resource Technologies, LLC   —  Xylem Inc.

Please plan to join us and support NYRWA!!

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