Village of Malone Announces vacancy for: Public Works Construction and Maintenance Supervisor
The Village of Malone is seeking qualified candidates for the position of a full time Public Works Construction and Maintenance Supervisor, responsible for planning, supervising, and carrying out a public works program in the Village of Malone. Appointment will be provisional pending a Civil Service exam to be announced at a later date.
Open Competitive - Minimum qualifications include graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and four years of experience in public works activities involving the construction maintenance and repair of streets and water and wastewater systems.
Promotional Qualifications - Current Village employees interested in applying must have12 months permanent classified status currently in the title of Street Maintenance Foreman or 24 months permanent classified status currently in the title of Working Foreman or 36 months permanent classified status currently in the title of Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator/MEO within the Village of Malone Public Works Department.
Position requires possession of a valid NY State Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) at the time of appointment, and possession of required certificates as issued by the New York State DEC (6 NYCRR Part 6501.11) and DOH, Bureau of Public Water Supply Protection, under the provisions of the New York State Sanitary Code – Chapter 1.
Applications will be accepted from all qualified candidates. Open until Position is filled. EOE. Residency Waived.
Application and full job description can be obtained by emailing Rebahka Scaccia, Village Clerk, at or in person 8 AM and 4 PM Monday - Friday at the Village Offices located at 343 West Main Street.