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Source Water Protection Work Group

  • 14 February 2018
  • ckearns

The NYSDEC and NYSDOH have recently established a Source Water Protection Work Group and New York Rural Water Association has been invited to participate in this committee.  This work group has been created to discuss ideas and issues related to source water protection.  Members of the work group are being asked to provide advice on source water protection-related topics to these agencies.  Steve Winkley, NYRWA’s Source Water Protection Specialist, is a member of this group and he is asking for your input

Governor’s Initiative to Protect New York's Lakes from HABs

  • 9 January 2018
  • ckearns

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has announced a $65 million initiative to aggressively combat harmful algal blooms (HABs) in Upstate New York. Twelve priority lakes that are vulnerable to HABs and are critical sources of drinking water and vital tourism drivers were chosen as priority waterbodies because they represent a wide range of conditions and vulnerabilities and the lessons learned will be applied to other impacted waterbodies moving forward.

New Phone System at NYRWA

  • 29 November 2017
  • ckearns

NYRWA has a new phone system with new extension numbers. When calling the office please listen carefully to the greeting for the correct extension number of the person you would like to reach. Below is a list for your reference.


Cheryl Kearns              Member Services                          100          
