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Source Water Protection Work Group

Submitted by ckearns on

The NYSDEC and NYSDOH have recently established a Source Water Protection Work Group and New York Rural Water Association has been invited to participate in this committee.  This work group has been created to discuss ideas and issues related to source water protection.  Members of the work group are being asked to provide advice on source water protection-related topics to these agencies.  Steve Winkley, NYRWA’s Source Water Protection Specialist, is a member of this group and he is asking for your input.  Specifically, if you have any thoughts on what makes a good source water protection program/plan, what road blocks exist with respect to source water protection, and what tools/resources would be helpful to promote source water protection for public water systems, please let Steve know.  His email address is and his phone number is 518-828-3155, ext. 170.


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