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New Phone System at NYRWA

Submitted by ckearns on

NYRWA has a new phone system with new extension numbers. When calling the office please listen carefully to the greeting for the correct extension number of the person you would like to reach. Below is a list for your reference.


Cheryl Kearns              Member Services                          100          

Douglas Smorol           Circuit Rider II                              110          

Pat Scalera                    Chief Executive Officer               120          

Jamie Herman                Deputy Director                         130          

Kevin Maine                 Program Specialist                      140          

Valerie Ogden             Training Coordinator                    150          

Richard Winters          Circuit Rider I                               160          

Steven Winkley          Source Water Specialist                 170          

Steve Grimm               Wastewater Technician                 180          

Trish Burt                    Finance Manager                           210          

Stephen Smuda          Wastewater Trainer/Tech.              230          

Fred Holley                   Circuit Rider III                           240          

John Farewell             State Circuit Rider 1                      300         

Morris Coolidge         State Circuit Rider 2                      320        


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