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Please Assist Us with this Survey on Cybersecurity

  • 19 April 2017
  • scalera

National Rural Water Association (NRWA) is partnering with the Automation Federation (AF) to develop custom training for utility members.  In early November, NRWA/AF will host an in-depth training session - Recognizing and Preventing Cybersecurity Attacks - at the AF headquarters in Raleigh, NC.  This event will be a hands-on technical training for utility personnel in charge of operating or managing SCADA and network systems. 


In order to develop the training materials and document the needs of our industry, NRWA/AF is asking our system members to complete this brief survey by clicking on this link:  It will only take about 5 minutes to complete and will help us even if the answers are "I don't know."


NRWA joined the Automation Federation in 2016, and has a cooperative agreement to advance the water & wastewater profession. AF is a strong advocate for advancing the safety, security, and future of critical infrastructure and manufacturing. 


We at New York Rural Water Association would greatly appreciate your participation in the survey to help document the need.  Hopefully with this information from the survey we will develop a new training program that can take place in various locations around the country, including New York.


Thank you for your help,
