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EPA Requests Wastewater Utilities to Complete Questionnaire

  • 24 October 2016
  • scalera

 EPA’s National Study of Nutrient Removal & Secondary Technologies is designed to establish a nationwide baseline for nutrient removal at publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and to characterize low-cost options such as operation and management practices that result in improved nutrient control.  EPA recently published a Federal Register notice (

Free Webinar on Retirement

  • 21 October 2016
  • scalera

Gray Hair Operator Syndrome – Training Newbies in a Wave of Retirements

Wednesday, November 9
1:00 – 2:30 p.m. EDT
Cost: $0 members | $0 non-members

Did you know the water & wastewater industry has a 6% projected job growth by 2024 and 52% of the workforce is within 10 years of retirement? Learn how you can prepare the industry's future workforce.

Water for Pensions

  • 17 October 2016
  • scalera

Taken from Facebook:  Water for Pensions

In September, Chicago news outlets were abuzz with Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s latest scheme to fund pensions for city workers: He proposed a tax on city water and sewer service that would raise bills by about 30% over the next four years. 

NEIWPCC Training

  • 14 October 2016
  • scalera

New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) is providing two training programs this fall for New York Wastewater and Collection System Operators.  The first, Polymers and Sludge Conditioning is approved for 6 contact hours and the second, Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Collection Systems is approved for 15 contact hours.  Both programs can be used  toward renewal of wastewater treatment plant operator and collection system operator certificates.  Register for the training at NEIWPCC's website:
