Shower Better Month
October is the U.S.
October is the U.S.
Check out this article from Water Online:
Converting Waste Toilet Paper Into Electricity
Council Will Address Wide Array of Emerging Water Quality Issues
The application for the NYRWA Scholarship has been posted. The deadline is February 7, 2018. Click on the link for the application.
The Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) and the Department of Health (DOH) are seeking comments from the public regarding the Draft Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2018 Intended Use Plans (IUPs) for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF).
State Rural Water Associations, especially those in Texas and Louisiana are ready to respond to small communities once flood waters recede. “Restoring water and wastewater service is the primary goal of the Rural Water Emergency Response teams,” said Matt Holmes, Deputy CEO of the National Rural Water Association.
The Rural Water Network consist of mutual aid agreements from other states to provide trained emergency response personnel, equipment and supplies to restore service to local communities. “Restoring service after a flood is a complicated task,” Holmes said.
A lawsuit claims that Poland Spring Water is deceiving consumers with evergreen labels that say their bottle contains “100 percent natural spring water” that hails from Maine.