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Webinar on Decentralized Wastewater Systems & Management

Submitted by scalera on
  •   Webinar, July 12 on “Decentralized Wastewater Systems & Management,” sponsored by IHS headquarters.

Forwarding information on the IHS headquarters, SFC Tech Webinar: Decentralized Wastewater Systems and Management


This is a reminder for July’s technical webinar, which will be held on Tuesday, July 12th at 2PM ET. The title of this month’s presentation is “Decentralized Wastewater Systems and Management”. Bill Conner from the New Mexico Rural Water Association will be presenting the webinar.



To register, go to and click on “Register For This Class” at the bottom of the screen.  Search for your name, select the correct student profile, and click on “Submit Registration”.  EHSC will notify you once your registration has been approved.  If your name is not listed in the student profiles, click on “register as a new student” and you will be prompted to fill out a registration form.



On the day of the webinar, please use the following instructions to join the session.  Please use your first and last names when you enter the room so we can properly credit your attendance:


1.      Go to

2.      Select “Enter as a Guest”

3.      Fill out the “Name” (use your first and last names) and “Room Passcode” fields.  Room Passcode: SFCtech 

4.      Click “Enter Room”

5.      Once you have entered the meeting room, you will be prompted to select how you want to join the teleconference.  You may select the “Listen Only” mode, which will broadcast the audio over your computer’s speakers but will not broadcast your voice to the teleconference.  You can use the chat box for comments and questions.  If you prefer to use your telephone and have a direct line (i.e., no extension number), please choose the “Dial-out” option and enter your telephone number – your telephone will promptly ring and you will be connected to the meeting audio.  If you do not have a direct number and want to use your telephone, select the “Dial-in” option and dial 1 (800) 832-0736.  The conference room number is *6288702# (be sure to use the * and #).  PLEASE BE SURE TO MUTE YOUR TELEPHONE LINE.       



The webinar will be recorded.  Please let me know if you’d like the link to view the recording.   

Please forward this invitation to anyone who might benefit from the session.


As always, please contact me with any questions or comments!
Best Regards,



Heidi Faller, U.S. EPA, Office of Wastewater Management




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