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Water and Energy Nexus in Disasters Webinar Series

Submitted by networx on

Wednesday, April 2, 2014, 1-2 PM ET

 EPA will be hosting its second of four Water and Energy Nexus in Disasters webinars on April 2, 2014. The webinar will feature two speakers from electric utilities and one speaker from a water utility who will share their experiences and recommendations for increasing coordination and communication between the two types of utilities. They will also share their lessons learned from significant storm events that impacted their utilities, including Superstorm Sandy.

 To register for the webinar, please visit:


Anthony Hurley is Vice President, Operations, at Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L), an electric utility operating company of FirstEnergy Corp.  

 Jonathan Reeves is the Emergency Response and Planning Coordinator for the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water).  


Olaf “Pete” Pedersen, III is an Emergency Preparedness Manager and the Emergency Services Partnership Program (ESPP) Coordinator for Pepco.


Lauren Wisniewski, MPH – U.S. EPA, Water Security Division 202-564-2918

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