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Thank You From NYRWA

Submitted by ckearns on

WOW!  We are amazed and extremely grateful for the outpouring of support for our newly developed webinar style recertification training.  Once again, our members showed their understanding and support for new activities undertaken by the Board and Staff here at NYRWA.  Our thanks also go out to our Associate Members who have stepped up to provide the training.  Sincerely, we cannot thank you enough.

I made an errant comment in the last message.  The regulatory agencies are reviewing new course submissions at this time, but have a backlog due to the number of courses, working remotely, etc… as we all try to accomplish our tasks during this difficult time.  We are happy to announce our two webinars have received approval from the NYSDOH.  We extend our gratitude for their time and effort to review and approve the courses so quickly.

We will continue to work with individuals to provide valuable webinar style recertification training for the foreseeable future as we try our best to meet the needs of our membership.

Jamie Herman, CEO 


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