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Revised Total Coliform Rule Assessments and Corrective Actions

Submitted by networx on

EPA has released the Interim Final version of the Revised Total Coliform Rule Assessments and Corrective Actions Guidance Manual.

The guidance manual is currently available online at

The guidance manual provides public water systems and primacy agencies with guidance on complying with and implementing the assessment and corrective action requirements of the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR).  Under the RTCR, public water systems that are vulnerable to microbial contamination in the distribution system (as indicated by their monitoring results for total coliforms and E. coli) are required to assess the problem and take corrective action that may reduce cases of illnesses and deaths due to potential fecal contamination and waterborne pathogen exposure.  The guidance manual provides information on the common causes of total coliform and E. coli occurrence in the distribution system, how to conduct assessments to identify possible causes of contamination (“sanitary defects”), and corresponding corrective actions that systems can take to correct the problem.


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