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Pharmacies can apply for Pharmaceutical Take-Back Pilot Program

Submitted by scalera on

Pharmacies can apply for Pharmaceutical Take-Back Pilot Program

DEC has announced a new Pharmaceutical Take-Back Program that promotes the proper disposal of unwanted medication. Pharmacies can apply to participate in this pilot program, which covers the costs of consumer drug collection boxes and disposal for two years.

Unused medication that is not safely disposed of can reach bodies of water and adversely affect aquatic life. There are also real concerns about unused pharmaceuticals getting into the wrong hands: prescription drug abuse has become epidemic in NYS. Providing a safe, convenient and effective way to dispose of unwanted pharmaceuticals can greatly curtail this public health and safety crisis.

For more information about the program and to apply on-line, pharmacies are encouraged to visit DEC’s Pilot Pharmaceutical Take-back Program webpage. The deadline for applications is May 1, 2017.


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