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NYRWA Receives 2016 NYSDEC Environmental Excellence Award

Submitted by scalera on

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)  recognized eight organizations for state-of-the-art programs and commitment to environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic viability at the 13th Annual New York State Environmental Excellence Awards, held at Union College's Park Hall and The New York Rural Water Association (NYRWA) was one of the honored recipients for their innovative and creative programming. NYRWA is improving and protecting the health of New York's waters and communities by providing unique and critical services, technical assistance, and training to small, rural communities with populations under 10,000 to help improve and protect water and wastewater facilities. An emergency 800 number gives facility operators access to 24-hour assistance. NYRWA's leak detection program has helped communities save nearly seven million gallons of water each year. Energy efficiency programs are resulting in a cost savings of more than $200,000 to residents.

"DEC is proud to present Environmental Excellence Awards to these eight businesses and organizations that have demonstrated outstanding leadership in adopting innovative solutions to protect our environment and enhance our economy," said DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos. "These projects set a high bar for others to follow in addressing critical environmental and public health issues such as increasing energy efficiency, cleaning up our waters, keeping materials out of landfills, and making our healthcare sector more sustainable. Congratulations to all of our well-deserved award winners."


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