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No Cost Resilience Planning and Adaptation Training for Drinking Water & Wastewater Utilities

Submitted by scalera on



New York Water Environment Association is hosting a free hands-on training session for drinking water and wastewater utilities on the Creating Resilient Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative and CREAT.


The CRWU initiative provides drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities with the practical tools, training, and technical assistance needed to increase resilience to extreme weather events. Through a comprehensive planning process, CRWU assists in identifying potential long-term adaptation options for decision-making related to water sector utility infrastructure financing.


CREAT is a risk assessment application that helps utilities in adapting to extreme weather events. The one-day training will give participants hands-on training with CREAT, which can help participants examine and identify potential adaption options. The training will take place on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 in Syracuse, NY.


Training Objectives

·         Better understand climate change impacts in order to protect utility infrastructure and ensure the continued provision of clean and safe water to utility customers;

·         Begin the process of conducting a climate change risk assessment using CREAT; and

·         Identify and share information on adaptation strategies to reduce risk from climate change impacts.


Who Should Attend?

·         Drinking water, wastewater and stormwater utility operators

·         Technical assistance providers

·         Local, state, federal and tribal government officials

·         Watershed planners

·         Water sector associations


Continuing education units (CEUs) may be available for participation (application pending).


CREAT is a web-based tool and participants will need to bring a Wi-Fi ready laptop in order to use the tool during the training.


Register today by clicking here:


Please forward this email to any interested parties. If you have questions or would like more information, email Alfredo Lagos ( 


To learn more about CREAT, visit





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