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Letter Campaign

Submitted by networx on

Just a reminder to those that wish to send a letter and those that may wish to consider, we would like to repeat this message, please read on. 

In recent years we have seen many changes take place at New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Central office in Albany. As communities and operators of wastewater treatment plants, we have experienced the decline from these actions. As an organization representing the Wastewater Industry, NYRWA would like to work alongside of the Wastewater Professionals we represent to prevent further deterioration of services to our members and other facilities in New York State.

Please take time to look at a letter developed to address these concerns and if you feel it is important to the future of the water quality in NYS, send a copy to Commissioner Martens, your State Assemblyman and State Senator. Members of the Environmental Committees for each branch of government are listed as well. Changes start at the committee level, so please consider sending a copy to these officials.

Who will be the voice of water quality in NYS? Those of us who work in the jobs that protect the waters need to have our voices heard. Please consider taking action and joining this force to address this important issue. If you have any questions, please send your correspondence to or

To view the letter on our website, click on this link

You may personalize your letter using this document. Thank you for your consideration.


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