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EPA's Water Finance Clearinghouse

Submitted by scalera on



EPA has developed a clearinghouse of water infrastructure financing information. According to the EPA email sent today, "Communities need easy and efficient access to water infrastructure finance information. EPA’s Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center has developed a Water Finance Clearinghouse to meet this need. The Clearinghouse is an easily navigable web-based portal to help communities locate information and resources that will assist then in making informed decisions for their drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure needs."

The Clearinghouse features two searchable data sets: one focused on available Federal, State, and local funding sources for water infrastructure and the second will contain Resources, such as reports, tools, webinars etc. on financing mechanisms and approaches.

The Clearinghouse is updated in real-time, following a crowdsourcing model. States, federal agencies, and other water sector stakeholders have the ability to suggest edits, new resources or funding options at any time through the Contributor Portal



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