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Climate Smart Communities 2016 Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) and Infrastructure Municipal Rebate Program

Submitted by scalera on


Applications will be accepted through 4:00 p.m. on March 31, 2017 for rebates for costs of eligible purchase or leasing of clean vehicles (up to $5,000) and eligible infrastructure projects which support public use of clean vehicles (up to $250,000 per facility). The primary purpose of a rebate-eligible facility must be the public charging and/or fueling of clean vehicles. A total of $3,000,000 will be distributed under this program during this cycle. Rebates for clean vehicle purchases or leases will be available on a first come-first served basis. Clean vehicle rebates are available to municipalities that purchased or leased, and placed into municipal service, one or more eligible vehicles on or after April 1, 2016. Infrastructure rebates require a 20% cost share. In order to receive an infrastructure rebate, the applicant must pass a series of eligibility criteria for each facility proposed. If all criteria are passed, then the facility will be reviewed for additional factors and a minimum score of 70 points must be accumulated. Applications will be accepted through New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's electronic grants management system, Grants Gateway. Information regarding registration can be found at: Information regarding the Climate Smart Communities 2016 ZEV and Infrastructure Municipal Rebate Program grant can be found in the full Request for Applications available through the Grants Gateway Grant Opportunity Portal, or you may contact Department of Environmental Conservation Office of Climate Change at the above address or E-mail:

Contact: Nancy Welsh, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Office of Climate Change, 625 Broadway, 9th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-1030, Phone: (518) 402-8448, E-,


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